Moschino Pink Fresh EDT Women’s Perfume 100 ml

$ 173,70

Fresh Couture Pink es una fragancia veraniega con un aroma de frutas y flores dando un toque más femenino, fresco y suave gracias a su olor y color rosado. Se trata de una fragancia exhuberante y seductora, rinde homenaje a la juventud, a la mujer creativa y con sentido del humor.
Brand: Moschino
Content: 100ml
Aroma: Floral-Fruity
This product has INVIMA Registration.
Fresh Couture Pink It is a summer fragrance with an aroma of fruits and flowers giving a more feminine, fresh and soft touch thanks to its pink smell and color. It is an exuberant and seductive fragrance, it pays tribute to youth, to creative women with a sense of humor.
Brand: Moschino
Content: 100ml
Aroma: Floral-Fruity
This product has INVIMA Registration.


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